
Our core values align with “The Four Cs of Coaching” — Connecting first to establish trust, Clarifying the intended outcomes, Coaching on viable methods to achieve these outcomes, and finally, Committing to specific courses of action.

Instructor-Led Training
While we believe that most people are good-hearted and well-intentioned, they often lack the awareness, knowledge, experience, and skills needed to interact, manage and lead effectively in today’s diverse workforce and global marketplace. Consequently, many tend to interact less with different co-workers because they don’t want to offend them.

One of our primary responsibilities is to create a safe environment for participants to understand their hidden (unconscious) biases. We design our sessions to provide substantive content in a highly interactive learning environment because most of us retain the information best when actively engaged.

Before implementing training, we work with clients to develop creative ways to reinforce the training so that diversity and inclusion become a way of life. The solution isn’t refresher courses and more practice. Instead, it is embedding the concepts of the method into day-to-day interactions and activities. Thus, being intentionally inclusive every day is essential for creating an inclusive culture modeled by leaders and managers.

We offer a wide range of instructor-led training courses that engage your employees at all levels and reflect the high standard of effectiveness that we have maintained for over 30 years. Our courses range from 90-minutes to a 3-day workshop. We begin with the end in mind – what do you want this training to achieve and the participants to learn and do differently? We then build the course that will fulfill your objectives.

Engage in Courses Covering a Variety of Inspiring Topics
By focusing on increasing awareness through highly interactive training sessions, employees obtain new skills immediately. In addition, we believe it’s essential for employees to experience similar content so that everyone is on the same page while adapting the content for the roles and responsibilities of different levels of participants.

Learn from Instructor Tim with a Track Record of Success

Be Safe Solutions offers the following training topics:

Safety and Compliance

– Performing a Facility Assessment
– Performing a Garage Assessment
– Performing a Transportation Assessment
– Writing a Safety Plan